Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Thai it, You'll Like it!- Thai Salmon and Coconut Jasmine Rice

This is Aubrey's favorite meal of all time. I like to ration it out to him on special occasions but I was feeling giving today (okay, the salmon was on sale). Usually, I serve this with *gasp* Rice-a-Roni but decided to make some coconut jasmine rice that I learned how to make recently from Rachel Ray's "Everyday" magazine. It is so choice.
Thai Salmon ( I had some prepared like this and took a stab at the recipe...I'm awesome).
1-1 1/2 lbs fresh salmon ( I take off the skin stuff)
2 Tbsp. Sesame Oil
2 Tbsp. Soy Sauce
1/2 Tbsp. ground ginger or 1 Tbsp. fresh grated ginger (both ways are good)
Pinch of salt
Few shakes of black pepper
Brown sugar ( add until the mixture is a smooth paste)
Fresh cilantro ( about a palmful of it, snipped)
Mix all ingredients together. Marinate salmon in the good stuff for about 20-30 minutes. Grill ( I do about 6 minutes on each side).

Coconut Jasmine Rice
1 1/2 cups Jasmine Rice
1/2 coconut milk
1 cup cold water
2 Tbsp. unsalted butter
1 cup thawed frozed peas
Segments of one pineapple slice ( or, more if you like more)
Combine rice, coconut milk, water, and butter in sauce pan. Bring to a boil and then put heat on low. Simmer, covered for 15 minutes. Add thawed peas. Fluff. Add pineapple.
I serve everything together with grilled orange slices ( just put some on with the fish).
This rice is easier to make than Rice-a-Roni so I'll use this from now on and feel all cool like that. What? Anyway, I have to go...it's Aubrey's favorite meal....

1 comment:

  1. Holy crap, this is so exotic...it's messing with the white-bread circuitry in my little WASP brain!
