Wednesday, March 26, 2008

M-M-Mercado Melts

This is my favorite sandwich, ever. My mom and aunt made it at a deli they used to run and it was the star of the shop. It is so full of melty, spicy goodness that I just salivate all over myself thinking about it. Seriously, I remembered that I was having it for dinner at about 3:00 in the afternoon and literally drooled a little on my keypad. It was kinda gross. Actually, a lot of disturbing situations accompany this loss of sleep if you cook it overnight and burned eyeballs, to name a few (yeah, you can't touch your eyes while eating this).
Experience your own torments for this heavenly experience here:
1 bloody slab of beef brisket ( I get the cheapest I can find which was about 13 bucks this time)
A few shakes of the ol' Lawry's seasoning salt
8 hours in the crockpot on high
Shred the brisket with a fork or two and separate the chunks of fat and throw them away... ditch the juice, too.
Get 2 cans of "whole jalepenos" from the market ( the kind that are next to the nacho jalepenos and have carrots in them) and pour ONLY THE JALEPENO JUICE over the shredded glory.
Soak 8 hours in the fridge. Perfection.
I serve these by heating a portion at a time in the microwave with shredded jack on top and slide it on a mayonaised, warm white bollio, or sub roll, whatever. You're in for a treat. I love you, too.

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