Saturday, September 18, 2010

Greek Fest 2010

There are some foods enjoyed while traveling that I just haven't attempted to replicate (not that I could even do so successfully.)  Pain Au Chocolat, Doner Kebab, Duck Confit... and Gyros, to name a few. Sadly, the three former haven't graced my mouth in a long time. Fortunately, Gyros come once a year to good ol' Oklahoma.
You know, I'm not sure if there's an awesome Greek restaurant in Tulsa. If there is, I could stop this whole "once a year" nonsense.  Someone please let me know because I'm not sure I can wait another year for this stuff. Also, I need more of these squares of feta in my life...

And these balls of honey...  Actually, don't tell me about any Greek restaurants in town unless they have these honey dumps ( proper name escapes my mind. I was too busy trying to make sure I got my fair share of these before Aubrey inhaled them.)
It's okay if any Greek restaurants in town don't serve this stuff...
The term "cough syrup" comes to mind. But, hey, had to try it. If you're local, you have a chance to score some delicious grub. Greek Fest runs through tomorrow. Get the scoop here.


  1. Hey, Amanda :) I guess I don't know for sure if it's still there, but before I moved to California, a rad little Greek place opened downtown, on the corner of 5th and Boston.

  2. This is a helpful suggestion.
