Monday, July 6, 2009

Porter Peaches

It's officially peach season and the only time of year when Porter, Oklahoma becomes a foodie destination. Though a few cities fight for the title, only Porter reigns supreme as the Peach Capital of Oklahoma (or, so it says on the water tower. OH, and I'm not kidding about this...there is a big heart painted on the side that says "Billy Bob loves .....?" I couldn't make out the second name! I bet it's Charlene.)

Porter Peaches are delicious. I bought a 1/4 peck of Redhaven as they were a bit more tart and I have baking intentions. You can also get Belaire, the sweeter variety. You DO have purchasing options to consider but I recommend Livesay Orchards as they are friendly, conveniently located to my in-laws' house, and the store is quite cute. You can even pick your own bushel by heading out to the trees.

If all this talk of sweet, juicy goodness has you jonesin' for some cobbler, you're in luck.

The annual Porter Peach Festival is on July 16th, 17th, and 18th. It's fairly artsy-crafty ( more on the crafty side,) they usually have an old car show, they crown Miss Peach, and you can catch the tractor races, too. The festivities are okay but the real thrill is the excitement in the air at all the orchards where you can buy stuff like peach salsa, BBQ sauce, jams, chutneys, butter, the works. Someday, I'll have to go to Georgia to compare!


  1. I went last year and got like a half bushel and froze them. I've still got like 5 quarts left, but I'm still resisting the urge to go get more...

  2. Are planning to go to this? I think my mom could be interested. It could be an interesting photo opportunity. But it will a busy weekend with the build-a-bot and powwow on Friday and then our photo walk on Saturday.

  3. Hi Joy. I won't be there... I'm not doing the Pow Wow but I'll be at the walk. Just a bit too much for one weekend. See you Saturday.
