Monday, June 1, 2009

We've Been Gifted

Kevin and Sindy officially own Martha Stewart. Yes, when they came over last weekend, they made us the most proud hosts in history...they gifted us with a cooler full of freshly butchered beef!

Sorry to any vegetarians out there. But, just look at all that beefyness...

Mmmm... and the steak looks good, too. Bonus! There's a whole freezer more of the stuff in many cuts. Aubrey grilled it up in his signature fashion: Worsheshhershire sauce, extra virgin olive oil, and salt and pepper. Simple yet amazing on a quality cut. Yum.

I'm not sure I cut it right myself off of the massive slab this came from...I have no experience as a butcher. Aubrey wants to be a butcher...

An evil butcher, that is. Aubrey goes a little psycho around meat. Especially raw meat. Aubrey goes a little nuts for steak on the "rare" side of life. I prefer mine medium rare.

So, wow! Free beef and free furniture? We rule.

Kevin and Sindy--Thanks, dudes! I'm gonna have to get even more creative in my gift giving skills now...


  1. Very nice way of preparing a nice cut of beef. There's nothing worst than messing with sauces and toppings on such a nice product.

  2. Thanks, Danny. I was shocked to learn that's all that my husband uses on it.
