Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Chicken Potato Burritos

When I was younger, "What's for dinner?" became synonymous with "What type of burrito are we having tonight?" My mom is master inventor when it comes to burritos and when I was 14, she out did even herself. The year? 1999- The summer of the burrito. Along with the standard rice or beans, we had peanut butter and jelly burritos, hot dog burritos, even thanksgiving dinner burritos. Recipes? Hah! My friends came to dinner just to see what my mom could fit inside a tortilla.

I've since abandoned the hot dog burrito and occasionally make the corned beef hash burrito but just one invention has found it's way into regular rotation at our home....it is the chicken and potato burrito.

It took me forever to work up the courage to make this burrito. It's just one of those untouchable meals from your childhood that you can't make better than your mom, you know? I've added a few ingredients since it's humble beginnings but I gotta say... it still tastes better out of mom's kitchen. In the spirit of her free filling nature, I've provided you a rough guide to burrito heaven.

Chicken Potato Burritos
(Makes 8 hefty burritos)
Ingredients ( add more or less of anything depending on how you like it)
1 large boneless skinless chicken breast, cubed
4 largish potatoes, diced
1 medium onion, diced
1 green bell pepper, diced
Dark Chili Powder
Lawry's Season Salt
Minced Garlic
1. Brown chicken in a skillet over medium high heat. Add in garlic and seasonings to taste.
2. Add onions and bell pepper and potato. Season a bit more to taste.

3. Cover and reduce heat to low. Leave covered for 15 minutes. When you open it, potatoes will be soft and starting to brown. Let's observe a moment of sizzle.

4. Raise heat to medium-high and brown until you have all those delicious brown bits. Serve in warm tortillas with cheese, salsa, and... and...and... I like mayo on it, okay? Feel free to go with sour cream like Aubrey but I'm pretty sure the entire country of Belgium would support me.

I'd love to hear about meal inventions from your past... Seriously, I can't be the only one with a mom who made bologna and cheese burritos can I? Anyone? Anyone?


  1. I had an excellent burrito at the Blue Moon Mexican Cafe in NYC. I tried to re-create it, to no avail. I asked for the recipe and they graciously sent the following recipe, which made a great burrito. Still not quite the same though.

    Thai One On

    Burrito filled with:

    grilled chicken
    snow peas
    spanish rice

    Top burrito mixture with homemade peanut sauce:

    peanut butter
    soy sauce
    Note: Chef does not have a recipe for the sauce, but a dash of everything should turn out great.

  2. Thank you, I have recently been searching for information about this topic for ages and yours is the best I have discovered so far.

  3. Made this tonight for 5 kids and they loved it. Thanks!!!

  4. Greek Yogurt. is a delicious substitute if you don't like sour cream
