Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Colorado Day 3: Pikes Peak

On day three of of our trip to Colorado, we FINALLY ventured up the mountain we'd been seeing in the distance from our cabin balcony. We made it up to the top of Pikes Peak. Did you know it's the view of the Great Plains from the journey up that inspired the poem (and soon after, the song) America, The Beautiful? Did you also know it has about six more versus I've never heard? It does. In the late 1800s, the price to pay for the vast view (where you can see the curvature of the earth!) was a hefty journey on mule or by carriage. Today, you can see the splendor for about 30 bucks and three and a half hours of your time.
The Pikes Peak Cog Railway was a MUCH better option for us than driving up the treacherous and flippin scary road to the top. Especially because, as I would learn over the last few days, two year olds don't exactly like being in their car seat without screaming. Trains, on the other hand, are A-ok. Yeah, we were all wearing matching T-Shirts. What? I have no problem looking like an America. At least we weren't in "I Like It On Top" caps.

It was pretty nice on top...with the exception of the freezing cold wind! FREEZING COLD! Notice the mix of snow and non-snow views? The temperature dropped over 40 degrees from the bottom to the top.

Aubrey was a bit chilly. I took it with a little more cool, if I do say so myself. Word to your mother.


  1. Nice view and cool temps...heaven!

  2. We live in Florida and last July we took a trip to Colorado for 2 and a half weeks. We went to Pikes Peak for the day. We took the cog railroad up and hiked down the mountain. What a beautiful hike. Saw all kinds of wild life,hikers, and bikers. Then about a week later my husband and daughter ran up the mountain and husband ran back down. Cant wait until we go back. (would love to see it in the winter time)
