Monday, May 11, 2009

Whip Me Up Some Pizza!

I've been super excited about getting into the swing of things in the kitchen now that my schedule has settled down a bit. I even went grocery shopping at a real live grocery store this Sunday on our way back from Porter, OK. The only problem is that my excitement as of late has got me as far as theory and shopping lists but no further. When it comes time to crack open a little sumthin' sumthin', I go blank. No inspiration. Only hunger. This happened to me tonight. I had grand plans of making a spicy orange shrimp dish ( which will hopefully make an appearance tomorrow) but instead I almost made a Taco Bell run.

As luck would have it, I did get some semblance of inspiration and made pizza (inspiration came in the form of an extremely low bank eating out for us for a while.)
Fortunately, pizza is the easiest thing in the world to make, especially if you have a premade crust. I had been buying a premade thin crust but I find them cumbersome to store and not so tasty, anyway. Then, I discovered the wonders of Naan. It's a traditional Indian bread and goes great with currys and masala. It also makes an excellent pizza crust. It could probably also make a good one way boomerang.

I have no recipe to share other than what I threw on the Naan tonight. It turned out pretty amazing. So, when following a recipe starts to feel like a chore, whip out your intuition and go crazy ( as long as it doesn't get you into making a Turkey Burger.) Aubrey says he doesn't quite trust me yet but he doesn't NOT trust me anymore after the burger fiasco. Redemption!

Today's Naan Pizza - Serves Me

1. Preheat oven to 350. Place naan with a little bit of olive oil in the oven on a baking sheet to start heating up.

2. Meanwhile, saute sliced portabello, onion, and minced garlic until soft. Add swiss chard greens and cover with lid about 4 minutes on med/low heat until wilted. I didn't measure anything out...just determine how much topping you want.

3. Pull out bread and smear with a bit of basil pesto. Top with sliced fresh mozzerella, all that stuff you just sauted and sliced tomato. Sprinkle with Italian seasoning and fresh basil leaves.

4. Broil and remove when melty but not burned yet like mine. It was still good but a little charred. Like my mind.

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