Saturday, May 30, 2009

Let the Backyard Entertaining Begin!

Is it just me or do others have rooms in their houses they never go in? I had two; One was a ghastly pink that's now a lovely tan and the other was this sunroom. I just spent the last four and a half hours of my life scrubbing the siding in it:

Every year since we've lived here we've said we'll get patio furniture on sale at the end of the season in preparation for the next summer of fun. We've been through three end of the season sales and no furniture.... Sadness. But that't not the end of my story here.
When my lovely parents decided to abandon me to return to our native land of Southern California, they left me a parting gift in the form of all the stuff they weren't taking with them. Look at the punks... Do they really think they can fill the void of family in my life with all of their old stuff? Why, yes they can. I scored a rug, some closet organizers and this!

I'm not really a white wicker furniture kind of gal, but I am a free furniture kinda gal. See, Mom! I'm taking care of your stuff! I even put out a cute plant and it's still alive! If you were an ant, it would look like this...

Well, if I can't have you, I can at least party with your stuff. Let the backyard entertaining begin!


  1. When can I come over and rub my butt all over your new, pristine, white wicker patio furniture?

  2. Just visiting. Love your blog title and your blog!
    If you don't like the white wicker can you paint it?

  3. Can I come over and take photos of Tasha rubbing her butt all over your furniture? I will make art out of it, I promise...

  4. Tasha- you can return the favor anytime.

    Marty- Absolutely. In fact, you might consider capturing it as a series...

    Baloney- Thanks! It's actually that plastic wicker stuff which is bad because you can't paint it. But, it means Tasha won't get a splinter so that's good.
