Thursday, March 26, 2009

Recipe Oops ( With Guilt Driven Giveaway!)-WINNER UPDATE!!

I recently learned that I made a recipe error on my Albondigas soup recipe, making me not only the worst mexican ever, but also the worst recipe writer EVER, too. I had a *slight* discrepancy between the amount of water I had listed in the ingredients list and the amount I referenced in the instructions. The recipe is now corrected but not before leaving a reader paniced with nothing to hold onto but a measuring cup. Measuring cups make the worst company. This is why I can't bake. Anyway, my distressed reader was way cool and saved the whole thing using daring intution. Plus, she totally left me props which makes my day.

I hope I didn't mess anyone else up. If I did, I'm sorry. Don't give up on me. I need your love.
What? You're not the loving type? This awesome pot holder will melt even the coldest of hearts.

Up for grabs is an amazing, BRAND NEW, Calphalon Pot Holder. My husband bought me one like pictured above for Christmas and it's my all time favorite pot holder. It's such a fave that I bought a small inventory. The one I have to give is just like the one above except it's a lovely orange and it's a bit bigger than pictured (obviously.) Oh, and it's not really Calphalon. Actually, it is Calphalon but how many exceptions can you list and have it still be just like the one above? These are things I ponder.

Just leave me a comment and tell me about your worst cooking blunder and what you did ( or didn't) do to save the day. Or, just say what's on your mind. Whatevs. Winners will be randomly chosen using Random.Org ( which, I totally use all the time at work for my real life job as a's legit.)

Entry cut off shall be at 10:00 pm CST on Saturday, March 28th. Winner shall be announced shortly thereafter.

Good luck!

WINNER UPDATE! Jill of All Trades, you are the proud new owner of the best pot holder ever. Pretty good odds of winning on this one! I coded comments by order and here's what had to say on the matter.

So, yay! It pays to be first. I'll email you and we can work out how to get this puppy to ya.


  1. Hey I'm first. My cooking blunder happened 33 years ago with my inexperience and being a new bride. I didn't know you don't leave chicken out on the counter all day long to thaw. I came home from work and thought it smelled a little bad but went ahead and fried the stuff up. YUCK! What an awful smell bad fried chicken is. The Hubby came home for dinner and I was sitting on the couch crying because I wanted to do such a good job frying chicken and besides we had little to no money to waste. He kissed me, told me it was ok, cleaned up the mess and took me to dinner. I learned a VALUABLE lesson there. (The captia word here is "rawhen", how appropiate.)

  2. I'm not here for the oven mitt as much as to say you are hilarious, girl, and I can't wait to meet you when you get to T-Town.

  3. My worst blunder was when I got toally distracted while making something that now I can't rememberwhat it was but I left out a bowl of ingredients...just left them sitting on the counter all mixed and ready to add, but just didn't add them. It was all the dry ingredients like flour, baking powder, etc. I didn't realize it until I took whatever the concoction was out of the oven and it was a disgusting blob. It's killing me that I can't remember what I was making that day but my memory stinks so I'm not surprised.

  4. My worst blunder involved our old, really old stove. I was making spaghetti and talking on the phone to my sister. The pasta was done and I picked up the pot from the stove and I didn't get a god grip on it. SO I spilled some of the water. Our stove was so old that the water went under the flat top and shorted out the electrical coils. Well it sparked and then it started smoking, a lot. SO I freak out but because it was under the flat top it went out. In the meantime, the fire alarm goes off. So I try and turn it off but can't. Call Waiting comes on and it's the alarm company. They finally tell me how to stop it and I am relived. I tell them everything is okay and don't send the fire dept. They sent the fire dept. SO here I am in my jammies and trying to explain to the firemen what happened. It was not funny then but now it is.

  5. Yeah! Happy, happy, joy, joy. Email me at for address. Thanks
