Monday, February 16, 2009

Cheese Review

I realize this isn't the "tomorrow" I had planned on for the cheese tasting review, but, hey, I was tired. I had to get up early on V-Day to beat my present out of a heart shaped pinata! It was my first pinata so I took the task very seriously, as you can see. It birthed several Dove dark chocolate candies, a gift card to Itunes, some measuring spoons so I can quit ruining everything I bake, 3 cans of catfood, and a fishing lure. The fishing lure was actually for Aubrey. Oh, and the cat food wasn't mine either, though Aubrey did once try to pass off vienna sausages as a gift basket stuffer.

I suppose I did give Aubrey a basket full of cheese this year and I got him a fungus infested log to grow mushrooms for our first anniversary....ahhh, we're full of romance.
Anyway, back to the cheese. Our super technical review is sure to impress:
Mushroom Brie
Me- "Pungent...grody."
Aubrey- "MMM, mushroomy. I like this one the best."
Aubrey- "Like nothing I've ever tasted. Good!"
Drunken Goat
Me- "My new favorite!"
Aubrey- "Mellow and sharp"
Raw Bleu D'Avergne
Me- *coughing* *spitting*
Aubrey- "Awesome. It doesn't go with my beer, though."
Me-"Tastes like the goat cheese...except it's sheep cheese."
Aubrey- "Good"
Me- "eh"
Aubrey-"freakin good..."
Well, there you have it. It was super fun to try new stuff and all these cheeses (and more) can be found at your local Whole Foods Market.