Monday, September 1, 2008

Greek Night- Baklava and Traditional Greek Salad

Opa!!! We had yet another themed dinner party and this time it was Greek night at our friend April's house. Everything was delicious from the ouzo meatballs to the Greek stuffed peppers. I was in charge of dessert since we couldn't find anything remotely Greek... I went with baklava- esteemed sweet of the land of the gyros. It originated in Turkey but now people think it's Greek so it is a total qualifier. I followed this recipe for baklava at and I pretty much followed it exactly for once with a couple of exceptions. Dang, I guess I didn't follow it exactly at all. Some of the reader comments suggested to either cool the baklava or the sauce before combining ( so they aren't hot together which would make for super sogginess.) I cooled the sauce. Also, for the sauce, instead of 1 cup of water to 1 cup of sugar and 1/2 cup of honey...I used 1 1/2 cups of water to the 1 cup of sugar and 1/2 cup of honey. It was good...went farther and a little less sweet. So, how was it? I dunno, I forgot to eat some but everyone said it was awesome and I'll trust them on it. I just don't have a sweet tooth...what can I say?

I also don't have a traditional greek salad tooth...

It was's the stupid recipe.

Here's me exercising my Ouzo Meatball tooth:

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