Monday, August 4, 2008

Go Green Chicken Sammies

Okay, so I made this amazing sandwich and it must be repeated!! It was the definition of freshness and zest. Aubrey and I ate the whole meal in silence just marveling at this delicious creation. It's from Rachel Ray Everyday Magazine May 2008. I have a pic but it was too much green to handle. * (UPDATE: This pic represents how I felt eating this... slightly exhausted and a little out of it. It's powerful.)Seriously, make this.

Recipe (with notes)

Serves 4 ( I cut it in half)
2 tbsp. evoo
1/3/ cup chopped cilantro ( I probably still used this much just for 2)
2 scallions, finely chopped (yeah, I used white was still yum)
2 tbsp. fresh chopped thyme ( I used the dry stuff)
Grated peel of one lime plus juice of 2 limes ( worth it...for sure)
2 tsp. hot pepper sauce ( I didn't have any so I mixed some cayenne pepper with malt vinegar until it looked a little bit like tabasco)
S &P
4 Skinless, boneless chicken breasts
4 deli slices of pepper jack cheese
2 avocados
1 small red onion ( yeah, I used white again... still good)
1 small plum tomato, chopped
2 jalepeno chiles, seeded and chopped ( Okay, this is essentially pico de gallo... Aubrey made a huge batch with even more cilantro)
1 clove of garlic, grated ( I used the minced stuff)
Juice of 1 lemon ( what? I think I forgot this...)
4 buns or crusty rolls, toasted
1 head green leaf lettuce
Tortilla chips ( we used baked tostitos!)

1. Combine evoo, cilantro, scallions ( or whatever), thyme, lime peel, half of the lime juice, and hot sauce in a bowl. Season with S&P and throw chicken in there to get marinated for like 30 minutes.
2. Preheat grill to medium high. Then, do like I did and combine the pico stuff with the garlic, avocados, and the rest of the lime juice ( this is where the recipe says to mash the avocado with the garlic, red onion, tomato, lime juice, and lemon juice with some salt.)
3. Grill chicken until cooked through and melt a slice of cheese over the top.
4. Serve on the toasted rolls with lettuce and guacomole. Serve with chips.

SO GOOD. That's all I can say.


  1. I saw your comment on PW's blog and the name of your blog cracked me up. Your food looks fabulous! I just made a 5 1/2 pound pork shoulder roast yesterday and made BBQ sandwiches with some of it. Any ideas on recipes for the rest? :)
