Monday, January 21, 2008

Berry Blues

These little beauties are from the Pikes Place Farmers Market in Seattle. I am completely consumed in a daydream of piping hot berry cobbler right now as I look out my work window and see sleet and a dead bush. MUST MAKE COBBLER!


  1. Those blackberries down there are talkin' dirty to me...

    If you make cobbler, have a piece for me.

    Question: How is cobbler different from pie? Is it because cobbler is square-shaped? Because cobbler is usually deeper? Trying to think of other differences...

  2. I think of cobbler as a pie casserole. Pie has a distinct filling and outer layer where cobbler is kind of a blend of all that wonderment.

    I need to go buy some butter and I'll make a blackberry one tomorrow!
